New member

Posted: 29/10/2010
Publisher: TuneUp Software
Platform (s): Windows XP, Windows Vista 32 and 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit
License: Complete
Language: French
Las Norton Utitilies? Tired of System Mechanic? Tired of jv16 PowerTools? If this is the case TuneUp Utilities could overwhelm you. Her publisher offers this package with all-in-a real gold mine in utilities and yet so its installation file is less than 10 MB! On the menu of this pack of utilities found, and it is rare enough to point out, a publisher of registry that will allow you to create bookmarks, search in depth and keep track of your changes . Side registry, TuneUp offers a very effective cleaning module and a defragmentation function. History avoid disaster when editing the registry, the module will allow you to RescueCenter undo changes or restore your system to a previous date.
TuneUp Utilities also includes a cleaning module for hard story to get some precious megabytes quickly, and found a manager of the modules running at startup of Windows. It is very comprehensive and also seems inspired by the freeware Starter (also available in our repository), while offering access to Windows services. TuneUp Utilities also includes an information module system that provides some information about your setup and module SystemControl can change the appearance and some settings in Windows XP. This will include changing the graphic effects, enable or disable some animations, adjust font smoothing and ClearType function but also change the behavior of the mouse or the start menu. As if that's not enough TuneUp also has a ProcessManager which lists the active processes and can kill them and the whole is supplemented by a RAM optimizer that will automatically free up RAM while reorganizing. There is also a tool for analyzing Hard to correct errors in the file system. The latest version also sees the much anticipated arrival of a disk defragmenter, even if the options are almost nonexistent compared to dedicated software. Finally TuneUp Utilities can restore order in the display of programs to uninstall, it has a module to protect the basket, a grinder to remove all your files without leaving a trace and the icing on the cake WinStyler includes software that allows to change icons but also the appearance of your Windows desktop by simply downloading theme packs, free on the publisher's website.
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