Ilmuwan dan Al .......!Scientists and the ....!

9 - The Almighty said: (and the mountains as pegs?) Report 7, and the Almighty said: (and Throw me in the earth lest it should shake with you) Luqman 10:

- Since the earth's crust and from the mountains and plateaus and deserts over the depths of liquid and soft animation (known as Layer cinema), the earth's crust, and what it Westmead and constantly moving and will result in movement of cracks and huge earthquakes destroy everything .. But this did not happen .. Why?

- Has been shown recently that two-thirds of any mountain rooted in the depths of the earth and in the (layer cinema) and only a third of a prominent above-ground therefore likeness of God Almighty mountains that hold the tent peg land as in the previous verse, and has made these verses at the Muslim youth, which was held in Riyadh in 1979 and has astonished professor America (Palmer) and the world geological Japanese (Slardo) and they said it is not reasonable in any way to be the words of a human, especially that it was said 1400 years ago because we did not arrive at the scientific facts only after extensive studies with the aid of technology of the twentieth century that were not in an era when there was ignorance and underdevelopment throughout the land) also attended the discussion of the world (Frank Bryce) Counsel American President (Carter) and specialized in geology and the sea and said, agape can not Mohammed become familiar with this information and must be the pinnacle of them is the creator of this universe, the knower secrets and laws and designs).

10 - The Almighty said: (view of the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed and are going through a cloud over the work of God, who disposes of all things) till 88:

- We all know that mountains are stationary in place, but we if we rise from the earth away from the attractiveness and atmosphere we will see the earth revolves rapidly (100 mph) and then we will see the mountains and to be going functioning of the clouds means that the movement is not self but of the motion of the Earth just like clouds, which does not move himself, but driven by the wind, and this is evidence of the movement of the Earth, who told Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace this? Is not God??

11 - Almighty said: (Marj Bahrain meet them * do not transgress isthmus) Rahman: 19-20:

- Has been shown through recent studies show that each sea its own special characteristics which distinguish it from other seas Khdp salinity and weight Allen awareness of water until the color of which varies from one place to another because of variations in temperature and depth and other factors, and stranger than this discovery of the delicate white line is taking shape by the confluence of water, Bahrain each other and this is exactly what is stated in the previous verses, and when discussed in the Qur'anic text with the world of the U.S. Professor of the Sea (Hill) and also the German geologist (Schroeder) responded, saying that this divine science one hundred percent and its trunks between and it is impossible for a person my mother's simple Kmamed be mastered this knowledge in an age dominated by the backwardness and ignorance.
Ahmed Deedat Answers: "Corruption in Bible or Quran?"

[ame=""]Ahmed Deedat Answers: "Corruption in Bible or Quran?" - YouTube[/ame]
اليوتيوبر الكوري الشهير جاي كيم يحكي قصة إسلامه الرائعة - How Jay Kim Becomes Muslim
[ame=""]‫اليوتيوبر الكوري الشهير جاي كيم يحكي قصة إسلامه الرائعة - How Jay Kim Becomes Muslim‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

مسلم يقصف جبهة قس يُؤمن أن الله مات ليغفر لنا ذنوبنا ويحرجه في مناظرة أمام الجمهور
[ame=""]‫مسلم يقصف جبهة قس يُؤمن أن الله مات ليغفر لنا ذنوبنا ويحرجه في مناظرة أمام الجمهور‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

هل نحن في حاجة إلى السنة النبوية؟ زوار يسألون عدنان رشيد ومحمد حجاب
[ame=""]‫هل نحن في حاجة إلى السنة النبوية؟ زوار يسألون عدنان رشيد ومحمد حجاب‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

أمريكية ضحت بكل شيء من أجل الدخول في الإسلام - She Used to Teach Catholicism and Now Muslim

[ame=""]‫أمريكية ضحت بكل شيء من أجل الدخول في الإسلام - She Used to Teach Catholicism and Now Muslim‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]
12 - The Almighty said: (and we send the winds fertilizing) Al-Hijr 22:

- And this is proven by modern science as the benefits of wind they carry the pollen grains to pollinate the flowers that will later bear fruit, it is told Muhammad, peace be upon him, and that the wind is inoculated flowers? Is not that evidence that this Qur'aan is the word of God???

13 - The Almighty said: (more mature skin Bdlnahm skins to taste the punishment) of women 56:

- And modern science has proven that the particles competent physical pain and heat are present in the skin layer alone, and with that the skin will burn with what is beneath the muscles, etc., but the Koran does not mention it because the pain is specific to the skin layer alone. It is told Muhammad to this medical information? Is not God??

14 - The Almighty said: (or Kzlmat in a dark place fraught with waves topped by waves, topped by clouds of darkness on each other if they are removed his hand was barely sees and of God did not make him light his final abode of light) the light 40:

- Could not ancient man to dive more than 15 meters because it was unable to survive without breathing more than two minutes and because the veins of his body would explode from the pressure of the water and after that there submarines in the twentieth century, scientists found that the seabed very dark and discovered that each sea Xie two layers of water, the first is very deep and dark and covered by the waves very moving and another layer surface and is also a dark and covered by waves that we see on the surface of the sea, and was surprised the American world (Hill) of the greatness of the Quran and raised eyebrows when it was discussed with the miracle found in the second half of the verse he says: (the darkness of clouds on each other if they are removed his hand was barely seen) and said that such a cloud has not witnessed the Arabian Peninsula and this never bright weather does not occur only in North America, Russia and the States Scandinavian near the pole, and which were not discovered days of Mohammed may Allah bless him and grant him peace and must be the Holy Word of God.

15 - The Almighty said: (* Romans have been defeated in the lowest land) Romans 2-3:

- The minimum land: spot lower on the surface of the earth and have overcome the Romans in Palestine near the Dead Sea, and when he discussed this verse with the geologist famous (Palmer) in the international scientific conference held in Riyadh in 1979 denied this immediately and announced to the world that there many places on the Earth's surface is lower asked scientists to make sure of his information, and to review the geographical Mkttanh surprised the world (Palmer) map of maps showing topography of Palestine and has been traced by the thick arrow points to the Dead Sea area and has written at its peak (the lowest spot on Earth's surface) were perplexed Professor and declared his admiration and appreciation, and stressed that this Quran must be the word of God.

[ame=""]They Chose Islam 1 إختاروا الإسلام - Episode 7 الحلقة (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]They Chose Islam 1 إختاروا الإسلام - Episode 7 الحلقة (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]
16 - The Almighty said: (Ikhalqkm in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation of the creature in the darkness of three meaning) 6:

- It was not Mohammed a doctor, and he could not dissect a pregnant woman, and did not receive lessons in Anatomy and Embryology, and even did this science known before the nineteenth century, the meaning of the verse is quite clear Modern science has proven that there are three membranes surrounding the fetus These are:

- First: the membranes that surround the conjoined fetus is composed of the membrane that makes up the lining of the uterus and placental membrane and membrane TB and these three membranes form the darkness first sticking together.

- Second: the wall of the womb and the second is the darkness. Third: the abdominal wall and the third is the darkness. Where to Muhammad Muhammad, peace in this medical information???

17 - The Almighty said: (Did you see that God is delighted to extend the Clouds, then composing himself, then it turned into rubble, you see the rain issuing out of which come down from heaven and from the mountains where the cold afflicts by whom and for whom he will spend almost not burqa goes Balobesar) light 43:

- Scientists say: begin to form cumulus clouds in several cells a few snippets of cotton blown by wind to incorporate some of them in some of the problem of cloud giant a mountain as high as 45 thousand feet and the summit will be a cloud too cold for the base, and because of this difference in temperature created eddies leads to the formation hail at the height of the cloud shape km mountainous lead to electrical discharges fired sparks spectacular light affect pilots in the sky including page called (the temporary blindness) and this is what the verse perfectly. Is Muhammad may Allah bless him and grant him peace can come of this information is accurate as of him???

18 - The Almighty said: (and they stayed in their Cave three hundred years and adding nine) Cave 25:

- The meaning of the verse is that the people of the cave had stayed in their cave 300 years, solar and 309 lunar years, and was sure to mathematicians that the solar year is longer than the lunar year is 11 days, if we multiply the 11-day 300 years the result is 3300 and dividing this figure by the number day of the year (365) output becomes 9 years. Would the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him to know the length of stay of the people of the cave lunar and solar calendar???

[ame=""]My Journey To Islam: Kelly Hollins - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]‫ما رأيك بتحطيم تمثال بوذا باميان في افغانستان ؟ - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]
Christmas and 25th of December
Many Christians are unaware that the true spirit of reverence which Muslims display towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of their faith as prescribed in the Holy Quran. Most do not know that a Muslim does not take the name of Jesus , without saying Eesa alai-hiss-salaam i.e. (Jesus peace be upon him).

Jesus is commonly considered to have been born on the 25th of December. However, it is common knowledge among Christian scholars that he was not born on this day. It is well known that the first Christian churches held their festival in May, April, or January. Scholars of the first two centuries AD even differ in which year he was born. Some believing that he was born fully twenty years before the current accepted date. So how was the 25th of December selected as the birthday of Jesus ?

Grolier's encyclopedia says: "Christmas is the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated on December 25 ... Despite the beliefs about Christ that the birth stories expressed, the church did not observe a festival for the celebration of the event until the 4th century.... since 274, under the emperor Aurelian, Rome had celebrated the feast of the "Invincible Sun" on December 25. In the Eastern Church, January 6, a day also associated with the winter solstice, was initially preferred. In course of time, however, the West added the Eastern date as the Feast of the Epiphany, and the East added the Western date of Christmas".

So who else celebrated the 25th of December as the birth day of their gods before it was agreed upon as the birth day of Jesus ? Well, there are the people of India who rejoice, decorate their houses with garlands, and give presents to their friends on this day. The people of China also celebrate this day and close their shops. Buddha is believed to have been born on this day. The great savior and god of the Persians, Mithras, is also believed to have been born on the 25th of December long before the coming of Jesus .

The Egyptians celebrated this day as the birth day of their great savior Horus, the Egyptian god of light and the son of the "virgin mother" and "queen of the heavens" Isis. Osiris, god of the dead and the underworld in Egypt, the son of "the holy virgin", again was believed to have been born on the 25th of December.

The Greeks celebrated the 25th of December as the birthday of Hercules, the son of the supreme god of the Greeks, Zeus, through the mortal woman Alcmene Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry among the Romans (known among the Greeks as Dionysus) was also born on this day.

Adonis, revered as a "dying-and-rising god" among the Greeks, miraculously was also born on the 25th of December. His worshipers held him a yearly festival representing his death and resurrection, in midsummer. The ceremonies of his birthday are recorded to have taken place in the same cave in Bethlehem which is claimed to have been the birth place of Jesus .

The Scandinavians celebrated the 25th of December as the birthday of their god Freyr, the son of their supreme god of the heavens, Odin.

The Romans observed this day as the birthday of the god of the sun, Natalis Solis Invicti ("Birthday of Sol the invincible"). There was great rejoicing and all shops were closed. There was illumination and public games. Presents were exchanged, and the slaves were indulged in great liberties. These are the same Romans who would later preside over the council of Nicea (325 CE) which lead to the official Christian recognition of the "Trinity" as the "true" nature of God, and the "fact" that Jesus was born on the 25th of December too.

In Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon says: "The Roman Christians, ignorant of his (Christ's) birth, fixed the solemn festival to the 25th of December, the Brumalia, or Winter Solstice, when the Pagans annually celebrated the birth of Sol " vol. ii, p. 383.

Christians opposed to Christmas

There are several Christian groups who are opposed to Christmas. For example, they take the verse from the Bible in Jeremiah 10:2-4 as an admonition against decorating Christmas trees.

The King James Version reads: "Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen.... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."

In order to understand this subject, it is helpful to trace some of the history of Christmas avoidance, particularly its roots in Puritanism.

The Puritans believed that the first-century church modeled a Christianity that modern Christians should copy. They attempted to base their faith and practice solely on the New Testament, and their position on Christmas reflected their commitment to practice a pure, scriptural form of Christianity. Puritans argued that God reserved to himself the determination of all proper forms of worship, and that he disapproved of any human innovations - even innovations that celebrated the great events of salvation. The name Christmas also alienated many Puritans.

Christmas, after all, meant "the mass of Christ." The mass was despised as a Roman Catholic institution that undermined the Protestant concept of Christ, who offered himself once for all. The Puritans' passionate avoidance of any practice that was associated with papal Rome caused them to overlook the fact that in many countries the name for the day had nothing to do with the Catholic mass, but focused instead on Jesus' birth. The mass did not evolve into the form abhorred by Protestants until long after Christmas was widely observed. The two customs had separate, though interconnected, histories.

As ardent Protestants, Puritans identified the embracing of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the early 300s CE as the starting point of the degeneration and corruption of the church. They believed the corruption of the church was brought on by the interweaving of the church with the pagan Roman state. To Puritans, Christmas was impure because it entered the Roman Church sometime in this period. No one knows the exact year or under what circumstances Roman Christians began to celebrate the birth of their Lord, but by the mid-300s CE, the practice was well established.

مسيحية تتهجم على يوسف استس وتقول له كيف تتجرأ أن تترك المسيحية فدمر سؤلها بدقائق
[ame=""]‫مسيحية تتهجم على يوسف استس وتقول له كيف تتجرأ أن تترك المسيحية فدمر سؤلها بدقائق‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

أحمد ديدات - من هو أبو المسيح عليه السلام - YouTube

[ame=""]‫أحمد ديدات - من هو أبو المسيح عليه السلام‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube
[ame=""]When was Jesus Christ born? (Sheikh Ahmed Deedat) - YouTube[/ame]

حكم التهنئة بالكريسماس - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik
[ame=""]‫حكم ميلاد المسيح او الكريسماس Christmas - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]
Christ in Islam a sequel (full studio debate) - Sheikh Ahmed ...

[ame=""]Christ in Islam a sequel (full studio debate) - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - YouTube[/ame]

Ahmed Deedat - when Christ was born!? Surprise (مترجم) youtube

[ame=""]Ahmed Deedat - when Christ was born!? Surprise (مترجم) - YouTube[/ame]
when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube
[ame=""]when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates - YouTube[/ame]
الأعمال الوحشية بين الكتاب المقدس والقرآن! هاشم في مناظرة مع بيبر بوي الجزء الأول
[ame=""]‫الأعمال الوحشية بين الكتاب المقدس والقرآن! هاشم في مناظرة مع بيبر بوي الجزء الأول‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

الأعمال الوحشية بين الكتاب المقدس والقرآن! هاشم في مناظرة مع بيبر بوي الجزء الثاني
[ame=""]‫الأعمال الوحشية بين الكتاب المقدس والقرآن! هاشم في مناظرة مع بيبر بوي الجزء الثاني‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

الرحمن على العرش استوى! كل شيء هالك إلا وجهه! مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الثالث
[ame=""]‫الرحمن على العرش استوى! كل شيء هالك إلا وجهه! مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الثالث‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

كم عدد المصاحف؟ مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الرابع
[ame=""]‫كم عدد المصاحف؟ مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الرابع‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

المسلمون يتعوذون من الله؟! مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الخامس
[ame=""]‫المسلمون يتعوذون من الله؟! مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الخامس‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]

من الذي مات من بين الثلاثة! مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الأخير
[ame=""]‫من الذي مات من بين الثلاثة! مناظرة بين هاشم مع بيبر بوي الجزء الأخير‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]
19 - The Almighty and is something that does not take away the flies Istnvdhuh than twice the student and required) Al-Hajj 73:

- And has proven to modern science and secretions when the flies to be captured so as to prevent the material is completely different to the picked up so we can not know the truth of the material picked up and so we can not exhaust this article, including all. Muhammad, who told this too? Not God Almighty is the world's minutes, who told him things?

Nouman Ali Khan - Why did Allah mention the fly in the Quran?

[ame=""]Nouman Ali Khan - Why did Allah mention the fly in the Quran? - YouTube[/ame]
20 - The Almighty said: (and I have created man from a quintessence of clay * Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed * then created sperm into a clot the clot into bones and clothed the bones with flesh, then we produced it another best of creators) believers, 11-13,

And the Almighty said: (O people, if you are in doubt of the expedition then we have created you from dust, then from a sperm and then from a clot, then from the reconstructed embryo, and unformed to show you) Hajj 5:

- From the previous verses it is clear that the creation of man is in phases as follows:

1 - Soil: The evidence for that, and that all the mineral elements and organic composition and the human body found in soil and mud and the second guide that will become dust after his death no different from the soil in anything.

2 - sperm: and that is not honoring the wall of the egg and the resulting fertilized egg (sperm gamete), which incite divisions phones that make sperm gametes grow and multiply so that the embryo of an integrated, as He says: (Verily We created man from a sperm gametes) Rights 2.

3 - leech: After the cell divisions that occur in the fertilized egg shaped cluster of cells similar in form micro-berry fruit (clot) which is characterized by its ability to hung on the wall of the uterus to draw the necessary food from the blood vessels in it.

4 - embryo: Taatkhalq cells of the embryo to give the limb buds and the members and organs of the body different is composed if cells reconstructed the membranes surrounding Balamadgp (membrane placental as well as villi that will become the salvation of later), they cells unformed, and under study microscopic indicate that the fetus at the stage of the embryo seems like a piece of meat or chewed gum and teeth and marked Odharas Madgp.

Not confirm this verse: (from the embryo, synthetic and non-synthetic) Was Muhammad may Allah bless him and grant him peace Device (ECHO) has defined through this fact?!

5 - The advent of bone: scientifically proven that the bones begin to appear at the end of the embryo stage and this coincides with the order in which said verse (Fajlguena lump bones).

6 - Apparel bone meat: I have proved that modern embryology muscle (meat) to be formed, the bones a few weeks, and clothing associated muscle acidifies the skin of the fetus and this fully agrees with him: (and clothed the bones with flesh).

When supervised by the seventh week of pregnancy, stages of completion are creating the fetus has ended and became a form akin to unborn baby and needs some time to grow and complete its growth and its length and weight and take a question that has known.

And now: Is it possible for Mohammed Mohammed may Allah bless him and grant him peace to make this medical information and had lived in an era where there is ignorance and backwardness???

I've looked these verses of the great conference miracle medical VII of the Koran in 1982 and what the world heard of Thai (Tajmas) specialized knowledge of the embryos in those

verses even announced immediately and without hesitation that there is no god but Allah, Mohammad is the Messenger of God, also attended the conference, Prof. famous ( Keith Moore) is a senior professor of American and Canadian universities and said (it is impossible to be a prophet knew all these minute

details on the stages of creating a perception of the fetus and of itself, and must have been in contact with the senior scientist briefed on the various sciences, not and is God) and has announced his conversion to Islam at the conference held in 1983 and line Qur'an and miracles in Arabic in the university's famous book, taught to medical students in the faculties of America and Canada.

[ame=""]* [Holy] Quran : Top Scientists Comments on Scientific Miracles in the Quran * # Faith and Science # - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Christian Women Reverted To Islam [AMAZING CONVERT STORY] 2014 - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=""]Ahmed Deedat Answer - Christians understand the 'OPPOSITE' of what is in the bible! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Marvel made months doctor in America is shifting from atheist to Islam Dr Laurence Brown - YouTube[/ame]
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Messages from God
But after the distortion of Judaism and Christianity
God sent the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, with the message of Islam
To correct this misrepresentation
Buddhism, Hinduism, Baha'i, and Shi'a
All of them are inventions, , and philosophy of humans
It has nothing to do with religion
How can a rational person worship stones or idols that are not harmful or beneficial?
How can a rational person worship Jesus Christ, a person who cannot protect himself from crucifixion?

God in Islam
The Most Concise Definition of God:

The most concise definition of God in Islam is given in the four verses of Surah Ikhlas which is Chapter 112 of the Qur’an:

"Say: He is Allah,
The One and Only.
"Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
"He begets not, nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]
God does not become a human being:

God does not take human form:

Some may argue that God does not become a human being but only takes a human form. If God only takes a human form but does not become a human being, He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all the ‘God-men’, have human qualities and failings. They have all the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc.

The worship of God in human form is therefore a logical fallacy and should be abhorred in all its forms and manifestations.

That is the reason why the Qur’an speaks against all forms of anthropomorphism. The Glorious Qur’an says in the following verse:

"There is nothing whatever like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 42:11]

Concept of God in Islam - Dr Zakir Naik

[ame=""]Concept of God in Islam - Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube[/ame]
Be careful,my brother

Death will come at any moment

And you will stand before God
God will hold you accountable for your actions
God will ask you
Why not follow the right religion?

Why did you not worship the one God as all the prophets said?

Why did not you look and care about that?

Who will save you from the punishment of God and who can save you?

As I have always said
You should go to Islamic centers
For specialists in Islam
You must know and learn Arabic

May God guide you to the right path

Islam is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham. Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God. It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone. It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as:

“Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.” (Quran 112:1-4)[4]

Who is God in islam?

The Most Concise Definition of God:

The most concise definition of God in Islam is given in the four verses of Surah Ikhlas which is Chapter 112 of the Qur’an:

"Say: He is Allah,
The One and Only.
"Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
"He begets not, nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]
God does not become a human being:

God does not take human form:

Some may argue that God does not become a human being but only takes a human form. If God only takes a human form but does not become a human being, He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all the ‘God-men’, have human qualities and failings. They have all the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc.

The worship of God in human form is therefore a logical fallacy and should be abhorred in all its forms and manifestations.

That is the reason why the Qur’an speaks against all forms of anthropomorphism. The Glorious Qur’an says in the following verse:

"There is nothing whatever like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 42:11]
Concept of God in Islam - Dr Zakir Naik
[ame=""]Concept of God in Islam - Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube[/ame]

Who is God in Christianity?
The Prophets of the Old Testament such as Abraham, Noah and Jonah never preached that God is part of a Trinity, and did not believe in Jesus as their saviour. Their message was simple: there is one God and He alone deserves your worship. It doesn’t make sense that God sent Prophets for thousands of years with the same essential message, and then all of a sudden he says he is in a Trinity and that you must believe in Jesus to be saved.

The truth is that Jesus preached the same message that the Prophets in the Old Testament preached. There is a passage in the Bible which really emphasizes his core message. A man came to Jesus and asked “Which is the first commandment of all?”Jesus answered, “The first of all the commandments is Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.’’[Mark 12:28-29]. So the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said ‘I am God, worship me’, but he didn’t. He merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.

But Christians worship Jesus
They deny all Jesus said that he is not a god but a prophet of God

Concept of God in Judaism

II) The notion of God in Judaism:

(i) The following verse from the book of Deuteronomy contains an exhortation from Moses (PSL)

"Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhad"

It is a quote in Hebrew which means:
"Hear, Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord"
[The Bible, Deuteronomy 6: 4]

The following verses are taken from the Book of Isaiah:

(ii) "I, I am the Lord, and outside me there is none who saves. [The Bible, Isaiah 43:11]

(iii) "I am the Lord, and there is no other, there is no other God than me. [The Bible, Isaiah 45: 5]

(iv) "I am God, and there is no other, I am God, and no one is like Me. [The Bible, Isaiah 46: 9]

(v) Judaism condemns the worship of idols in the following verses:
"" You will not have other gods before me ".
"You shall not make yourself a cut image, nor any likeness of what is in the heavens above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the waters below the earth: "
"You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God." [The Bible, Exodus 20: 3-5]

In Judaism too, we find the same thread of monotheism, which is seen in other religions.

The Jews distorted the concept of God as Christians did

God , Jehovah, and he is not an infallible God, but errs and revolts, and falls into remorse, and he commands theft, and he is cruel, fanatic, and destructive to his people, he is the God of Israel only, and he is thus an enemy of others, and they claim that he walks before a group of the children of Israel In a column of clouds.
is belief enough 1 ?? ?? ???? ?

[ame=""]is belief enough 1 من هو إلهك ؟ - YouTube[/ame]

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[ame=""]is belief enough 2 من هو إلهك ؟ - YouTube[/ame]
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كيف نستفيد من الأحاديث في حياتنا اليومية الداعيه محمد حجاب والداعية
عدنان يجيبان على اسئلت مسلم ...

[ame=""]‫كيف نستفيد من الأحاديث في حياتنا اليومية الداعيه محمد حجاب والداعية عدنان يجيبان على اسئلت مسلم ...‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]
كيف نستفيد من الأحاديث في حياتنا اليومية الداعيه محمد حجاب والداعية عدنان يجيبان على اسئلت مسلم ...
[ame=""]‫كيف نستفيد من الأحاديث في حياتنا اليومية الداعيه محمد حجاب والداعية عدنان يجيبان على اسئلت مسلم ...‬‎ - YouTube[/ame]
What famous non-Muslims said about Islam and Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Napoleon Bonaparte
I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Quran which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness.

Sir George Bernard Shaw
I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity.
I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.

H.G. Wells
The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behaviour, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it… Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity.

Phillip Hitti
During all the first part of the Middle Ages, no other people made as important a contribution to human progress as did the Arabs, if we take this term to mean all those whose mother-tongue was Arabic, and not merely those living in the Arabian peninsula. For centuries, Arabic was the language of learning, culture and intellectual progress for the whole of the civilized world with the exception of the Far East. From the 9th to the 12th century there were more philosophical, medical, historical, religious, astronomical and geographical works written in Arabic than in any other human tongue.

R. Bosworth Smith
He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope’s pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue; if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports. He cared not for the dressings of power. The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life.

Sarojini Naidu
It was the first religion that preached and practised democracy; for, in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: ‘God Alone is Great’

Dr. William Draper
Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born in Mecca, in Arabia, the man who, of all men, has exercised the greatest influence upon the human race… To be the religious head of many empires, to guide the daily life of one-third of the human race, may perhaps justify the title of a Messenger of God.

Thomas Carlyle
The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only.
A silent great soul, one of that who cannot but be earnest. He was to kindle the world, the world’s Maker had ordered so.

A. S. Tritton
The picture of the Muslim soldier advancing with a sword in one hand and the Qur’an in the other is quite false.

De Lacy O’Leary
History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.

The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty. The Apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family; he kindled the fire; swept the floor; milked the ewes; and mended with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he observed without effort of vanity the abstemious diet of an Arab.

Edward Gibbon and Simon Oakley
The greatest success of Mohammad’s life was effected by sheer moral force.

What Michael H Hart says about Prophet Muhammad

[ame=""]What Michael H Hart says about Prophet Muhammad - YouTube[/ame]

01.Prophet Muhammad(SAW) Best Personality & his Qualities On The Eyes Of Famous Non Muslim Scholars

[ame=""]01.Prophet Muhammad(SAW) Best Personality & his Qualities On The Eyes Of Famous Non Muslim Scholars. - YouTube[/ame]

Muhammad (PBUH) The Prophet of Islam

[ame=""]Muhammad (PBUH) The Prophet of Islam. - YouTube[/ame]

What famous people have said about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

[ame=""]What famous people have said about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - YouTube[/ame]